Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bias Binding is Fun!

Well making it is :) Now that someone shared a wonderful tutorial on how to make it quickly and simply, but to also use a whole fat quarter and not waste any.
The tutorial I am talking about can be found here:

I needed some binding today from a piece of fabric that was longer and skinnier than a fat quarter, and I wasn't sure if it was going to work. But I squared it up and followed the instructions, and perfect binding. The more you make, the quicker it gets too. At first I was a little unsure about all the joins because you are using even the smallest cuts of fabric, but they look fine once they are in a garment or on a project.

I love learning how to do things better, and if I can do it quicker, bonus!



Tas said...

Hmmm, fun.?..Fun to me is sitting on the grass in the shade eating gelati while someone babysits my children. Not steam burning my fingers while making bias binding. But to each their own! I've only made it once and I will grant you- it was satisfying to use it on my sewing after making it.

Liz said...

Well I didn't actually do the folding bit - the project I needed it for required it to be flat. So no steam burns yet lol